Guest preacher Ken Stumph asks that we be careful what we fill our minds with!
True to Who?
Orban Bellamy
An Encouraging word from the Lord
18-Life Goes On…
Orban Bellamy
Our closing look at the book of Acts- The things Jesus continues to do...
Acts 27-28
44-Greetings and Guidance
Orban Bellamy
43-Participating with God and His Saints Part 2
Orban Bellamy
Romans 15:30-33
A look at prayer from Matthew and various Epistles
42-Participating with God and His Saints Part 1
Orban Bellamy
Our look at some principles in 2 Corinthians on a topic that Paul brings up in Romans. One way we all can and should be participating...
17-The Bigger Pictures
Orban Bellamy
Jesus' last passover from all 4 Gospels - Communion
Acts 21-26 - The end of Paul's "3rd missionary journey" and the set up for his "journey to Rome"
41 – Unalterable Yet Adaptable
Orban Bellamy
40-“Thus Endeth the Lesson”
Orban Bellamy
Romans 15:7-17a - Paul's final words before his closing comments.
39-Tolerance and Accommodation
Orban Bellamy
16-From Unexpected Places
Orban Bellamy
Paul in Corinth and Ephesus
38-Obstacles and Traps
Orban Bellamy
A continuation of Romans 14 (vv13-23)
Orban Bellamy
15-Even When…
Orban Bellamy
A fresh look at Paul and Silas in Phillipi. Acts 16:11-40
Suggested memory verse - Romans 8:28
36-The Debt We Owe
Orban Bellamy
Romans 13:8-14 - The one thing we should never stop "paying" and the reasons why...
suggested memory verse Romans 13:10